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SAB6100--Semi-automatic room temperature bonding machine

Date: 2025-01-12 10:26:43     Hits: 87

SAB6100--Semi-automatic room temperature bonding machine


Wafer Size
≤12 inches, backward compatible with irregular shaped samples

Adaptive materials

Si, LT/LN, sapphire, InP, SiC, GaAs, GaN, diamond, glass, etc.

Loading mode

Manual loading

Maximum pressure of pressurized system

80 kN

Surface treatment

In-situ activation and sputtering deposition

Sputtering Target

≥3, rotatable

Bond strength

≥1.5J/m²@room temperature (Si-Si, glass-glass bonding)

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OMeda (Shanghai Omedasemi Co.,Ltd) was founded in 2021 by 3 doctors with more than 10 years of experience in nanpfabrication. It currently has 15 employees and has rich experience in nanofabrication (coating, lithography, etching, two-photon printing, bonding) and other processes. We support nanofabrication of 4/6/8-inch wafers.

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